TOEFL Reading Comprehension

Today’s post focuses on TOEFL reading comprehension.TOEFL Reading Comprehension

A key component in TOEFL reading comprehension is to understand the questions to a hundred percent.

It’s quite possible to answer the questions without reading the whole text, except to answer the insertion question, which demands that you read the paragraph into which you’ll insert the new sentence.

That’s how important the specific questions are so make that you don’t spend all your time reading the passages rather than looking over the questions.

Our recommendation is first to read over the section quickly so you get a broad overall picture, after that focus on answering the questions by finding evidence in the passage that will support your answer,

By practicing this procedure you will notice that your skills to skim over a text and get the overall picture of the text will improve tremendously. By improving your TOEFL reading comprehension you will save valuable time to answer questions during the TOEFL test.

We are no recommending that any student should skip the texts and go straight to the questions but your focus should be on answering questions and reading strategically.

The TOEFL test is a timed test; this means you won’t be able to read every passage in detail, so when you are reading your passage, the key is to have the ability to retain a lot of information without reading every word of the passage. This is called skimming.

There are many ways you can improve this skill. One way is to time yourself reading an article or essay and then trying to write an essay on what you read.

Skimming is a way you identify important points and don’t focus on the small stuff, there are three factors you should be aware of when you reading an essay in this fashion.

  • Recognize the title and the topic of your article
  • Notice the structure of the article
  • Be aware of repeated words in the article

Always consider what point the author is making and what evidence does the author present to support his claim. Finally you have to be able to summarize the reading passage, what is the conclusion of the article?

If you remember these factors during the reading section you will improve your TOEFL test score dramatically.

Sign up with Theprepbook to start practicing and to improve your TOEFL reading comprehension skills.


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