TOEFL Listening Strategies

Today's post is going  to cover some TOEFL listening strategies.

There are 2 conversation and 4 lectures included in the TOEFL listening section, each part is followed by one main idea question. Meaning what the big picture of the conversation or lecture.TOEFL Listening Strategies

To get an idea what the big picture of the lecture or conversation it is important that you have a TOEFL listening strategy in place.

These are some of the TOEFL listening strategies you should consider.

What is said in the introduction part, you will often find what the topic is in the introduction paragraph. Another aspect you need to look at is how the speaker is talking about his topic,  in what tone is the topic presented. Is the speaker in support of something or against?

Be aware of distracters, distracters is things the speaker says that do not relate to the main topic, they are used to distract you from the main theme of the lecture.

Common questions that follow a lecture or conversation are:

This talk is mainly about?

The teacher is mainly discussing?

What is the main idea of this lecture?

It’s good to have notes to look at when answering these questions.

That is some of the TOEFL listening strategies when answering the questions about the big picture, but the TOEFL listening section also includes questions about small details.

When answering detailed questions you should make sure you have detailed notes of the conversation or lecture.

If you missed our guide that covers what information that should be on your notes you can read it here: TOEFL Listening.

When listening to the conversation you should focus at unfamiliar words from the context, dates and numbers, and look at who, when, why, where, how many and how much.

Remember the answers will have 3 incorrect statements and one correct one, so if you don’t remember the answer you might as well guess since it gives you a 25% chance to get the correct answer. Follow these TOEFL listening strategies and principles to improve your score on the listening section.

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