TOEFL iBT Reading Test

The TOEFL iBT reading test measures the ability to read, understand and analyze short stories or essays. The passages chosen for the TOEFL iBT reading test are very similar to passages that are read on regular basis at U.S. universities.  TOEFL iBT Reading Test

The TOEFL iBT reading test includes 3 reading sections with 700 words on each passage and around 13 to 14 question for each passage. The structure of reading test is also described in our previous article TOEFL reading tips.

There three different categories of questions in the TOEFL reading section

1. Understanding of language use.

2. Basic reading understanding

3. The ability to read and learn new information

Understanding of language use tests the meaning of words in different sentences, for example how different words can mean different things when they are in different sentences.

Basic reading understanding tests the ability to understand details of a passage and how it supports the main thesis of the essay.

The ability to read and learn new information tests how good you are in learning new information and how you can apply them to different scenarios. The TOEFL iBT reading test focuses on how much information you can comprehend up from a text.

Next time we will look closer on how to get as much information from a reading passage without spending to long time reading it.