TOEFL Grammar Tips

There are many different aspects involved in your TOEFL writing score, such as spelling, vocabulary, sentence structure, paragraph structure etc. However grammar is one of these factors that will have a major impact on your score. In today's blog post we will provide some TOEFL grammar tips.

The key in the writing section is to limit your grammatical mistakes. By staying in your realm of comfort when writing, you minimize the risk of grammatical errors. So, by writing compound and with short sentences you improve the possibility of a good score. A useful TOEFL grammar tips is to follow the kiss principle (keep it simple silly), by doing so you limit your exposure.

The best way to improve your grammar is to write as much as possible and then have someone proofread and critique your writing. Other ways that may improve your grammar is to read articles and other TOEFL iBT practice materials continuously.

3 Simple TOEFL Grammar Tips

Keep it simple; do not leave your comfort zone when writing for the test.

Avoid writing long sentences with a lot of "but", "and" "thereof" and other transition words

Practice writing and make sure to review your writing afterwards to see what you can improve

If you are a member with us at we have a section of exercises completely focused on grammar for the TOEFL. If you’re not a member sign up today to start working on your grammar skills!

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